AT&T Details Vita's Cellular Data Plans


Communications giant AT&T has announced the 3G data plans information technology plans to offer for Sony's next handheld, and you power not like what you see.

The following nugget of information was tweeted aside the official PlayStation describe sooner today:

CES update: @ATT announces wireless information plans for 3G/WiF PS Vita: $14.99 for 250MB, $25 for 2GB — no contracts

In answer to the question you're all now wondering, yes, those figures are the every month prices for cellular data accession connected the Vita. We're going to make the supposition that accessing the 'net via criterional WiFi won't count against your download totals — but, and so over again, this tweet is all the wholesome info we really have happening how the new portable gaming scheme testament interact with online depicted object.

Oh, and it should also be noted that these monthly rates are in increase to the $300 price tag Sony has promised for the 3G-open translation of the Vita. For comparison, the iteration that can only connect to WiFi sports a $250 retail price. Both versions of the system launch on February 22.

So, who would like to be the first person to slam AT&T for stereotypical corporate greed stiff-backed aside a marketplace that only avoids the descriptor of "monopoly" insofar equally the courts are concerned? Information technology's kinda them to go these rates without any sort of declaration, just the fact that I have to point that out as a positive is really just an indicator of how we've all fair-minded pertain admit that cellular providers are alarming examples of capitalism driven to its ethically bankrupt extreme.

Alternately, WHO would like call ME a filthy communist piece silently praising the holy memory of Ronald Reagan?

We could really go either way with this 1.


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